Sunday, February 18, 2007
Ricky Martin, Etc.

I have never been much of a concert goer, unless it's a symphony or jazz or something like that. I don't understand why people pay money to hear some music and then scream at the top of their lungs through the whole thing or sing along so loudly that no one can hear the guy we all paid to hear. Really, that's how the entire concert w

We did have a good time. The lights on the stage were entertaining, and there was some cool dancing. Interestingly enough, the show had an Indian/Hindu theme even though all the songs were in Spa

Our neighbors, Danielle and Braulio, were kind enough to give us a ride home after the concert since they have a car. The traffic was insane - people driving up on sidewalks and disobeying every traffic light. It took us a while to get home. It was a good time, and now, we can say we've seen Ricky Martin in concert... whatever that amounts to.
ETC.: A few tidbits from life in the DR
We went to see a movie at the Acropolis yesterday. The movie was supposed to start at 2:50, and we arrived a 2:45 because we know from experience that the theater isn't even ready to sell tickets until 5 minutes before the first show starts. Well, this time, they weren't even ready after the show was supposed to start. We were standing in line at an empty ticket booth when 2:50 came and went. The girl whose job it was to sell tickets eventually came to the booth, messed with the computer for a few minutes, and then sold us our tickets. John remarked that there is no way on earth a theater would start the movie when the ticket booth hadn't been opened yet, which made perfect sense to me. We had been looking forward to having popcorn during the movie since movie snacks are much more affordable here, but when we hurried up to the snack counter, the employees were walking around aimlessly behind the counter or counting money in cash registers. There was no popcorn, and no one was even close to making any. The soda machine didn't even have fizz in it yet. We debated for a few minutes on if we should wait or not when we decided to check on our movie. Contrary to common sense, they had started it at 2:50. We had to forgo the much anticipated popcorn and go into the theater. We were just in time to see the commercial right before the movie started about "fresh popcorn" and "cold soda" waiting for you in the lobby... make sure you get some before the movie starts! The irony of the situation was almost overwhelming.
Our neighbor Baulio decided to get his girlfriend, Danielle, and orchid for Valentine's Day. He did all this research on how to care for orchids, etc. and then presented her with one on Valentine's Day. All week, he has been moving it in and out of the sunlight accordingly, watering it, and caring for it particularly well. Danielle thinks this is all great but for one thing: the orchid is fake. It's plastic, and Braulio doesn't seem to know - in fact, he takes great pride in it. She is trying to figure out how to tell him without hurting his feelings... we'll see how this unfolds. It sounds to us like something from a TV sitcom that no one would find believable, but alas, it is happening right here. It's too bad all that care is being wasted on plastic.

Phone number change: 1-829-868-2613
To all those who never call us anyway, this is our new phone number. We've had our land line disconnected because we never use it and it was costing too much money. That's our cell phone number if any of you get a hankering to call us.
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I think it's so funny you changed your phone number. That answers the question I've had in the back of my mind and never seemed to ask you. A week or so ago I actually tried calling you from work becuase our work phones wouldn't make an outgoing call to other countries. Sometimes I have to call overseas to confirm an interview for our show the next day. Well, whenever I would try to call overseas all I would get is a busy signal. So, we called the phone guy in to fix the problem. I gave him your number to try once the problem was fixed...he said it wasn't a good number. So, he ended up talking to someone in Norway or something. I couldn't figure out why in the world your phone number didn't work...well, now I know!
I would love to call you sometime but it would cost both of us a fortune. I just can't wait to talk to you guys in person and hear it all. I love reading your blog and I'll see your mom(john) every once in a while at school or in town...sounds like there is always something CRAZY going on there in the DR. And the neighbors orchid thing is hilarious!(sounds like something jeremy would do). Take care- your mom said you'd be back for Robby's wedding- hope to see you then!
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