Wednesday, February 28, 2007
We Spoke Too Soon
Apparently, Rebecca and Holly didn't have food poisoning - they had a violent stomach flu. I (Claire) am home sick from school right now because of the afore mentioned stomach flu - and believe me, it's violent! Here's hoping John doesn't get it.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Eastside

Our journey started early Saturday morning by catching the Bavaro Express out of town. We have never taken this bus before so it was lucky that Holly was with us. Navigating the bus station was a painless experience and the bus, even though it was a step below the Metro and Carribe Tours. The bus was air conditioned, showed a movie, and the ride

After changing into our swim suits we grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the beach. White sandy beach with bright blue and turquoise water. It was a

After our showers we took naps because we had good intentions of heading to th

That night for dinner we had reservations at a Japanese restaurant that does the cooking on a grill right there in front of you. It was a fantastic meal. We tried a little of everything and

The next morning, Claire and I headed to breakfast where were were quickly realizing that no matter what meal you ate at the buffet the selection was enormous. Again, you name the breakfast food and they had

The menu for that night had warm shrimp salad as an appetizer then grilled lobster, duck, or lamb ribs for a main dish, and then mousse, eclairs with chocolate fondue, or assorted fruit for dessert. Claire and I each chose the grilled lobster since neither of u

As always after a trip like this there are some more pictures on the picture page so go check them out.
Friday, February 23, 2007
4 Day Weekend

I am off to bed. We are catching the bus early out of town. I will get back with you all in a little under a week.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A Dominican Carnival

We knew that it was a crazy party the moment we stepped out of the car. The town had multiple streets blocked off with vendors and very l

After we were done exploring the

Surprisingly we never saw any fights break out and

Claire's opinion of the whole thing: What kind of person thinks i

My Opinion
I thought it was fun in a weird different sort of way. We knew going in about the potential dangers, but decided that the once in a lifetime opportunity was worth the risk. I mean where else can you get whipped by a devil wielding an inflated pig liver?
I have added a few more pictures of our day on the picture page so go check it out.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Ricky Martin, Etc.

I have never been much of a concert goer, unless it's a symphony or jazz or something like that. I don't understand why people pay money to hear some music and then scream at the top of their lungs through the whole thing or sing along so loudly that no one can hear the guy we all paid to hear. Really, that's how the entire concert w

We did have a good time. The lights on the stage were entertaining, and there was some cool dancing. Interestingly enough, the show had an Indian/Hindu theme even though all the songs were in Spa

Our neighbors, Danielle and Braulio, were kind enough to give us a ride home after the concert since they have a car. The traffic was insane - people driving up on sidewalks and disobeying every traffic light. It took us a while to get home. It was a good time, and now, we can say we've seen Ricky Martin in concert... whatever that amounts to.
ETC.: A few tidbits from life in the DR
We went to see a movie at the Acropolis yesterday. The movie was supposed to start at 2:50, and we arrived a 2:45 because we know from experience that the theater isn't even ready to sell tickets until 5 minutes before the first show starts. Well, this time, they weren't even ready after the show was supposed to start. We were standing in line at an empty ticket booth when 2:50 came and went. The girl whose job it was to sell tickets eventually came to the booth, messed with the computer for a few minutes, and then sold us our tickets. John remarked that there is no way on earth a theater would start the movie when the ticket booth hadn't been opened yet, which made perfect sense to me. We had been looking forward to having popcorn during the movie since movie snacks are much more affordable here, but when we hurried up to the snack counter, the employees were walking around aimlessly behind the counter or counting money in cash registers. There was no popcorn, and no one was even close to making any. The soda machine didn't even have fizz in it yet. We debated for a few minutes on if we should wait or not when we decided to check on our movie. Contrary to common sense, they had started it at 2:50. We had to forgo the much anticipated popcorn and go into the theater. We were just in time to see the commercial right before the movie started about "fresh popcorn" and "cold soda" waiting for you in the lobby... make sure you get some before the movie starts! The irony of the situation was almost overwhelming.
Our neighbor Baulio decided to get his girlfriend, Danielle, and orchid for Valentine's Day. He did all this research on how to care for orchids, etc. and then presented her with one on Valentine's Day. All week, he has been moving it in and out of the sunlight accordingly, watering it, and caring for it particularly well. Danielle thinks this is all great but for one thing: the orchid is fake. It's plastic, and Braulio doesn't seem to know - in fact, he takes great pride in it. She is trying to figure out how to tell him without hurting his feelings... we'll see how this unfolds. It sounds to us like something from a TV sitcom that no one would find believable, but alas, it is happening right here. It's too bad all that care is being wasted on plastic.

Phone number change: 1-829-868-2613
To all those who never call us anyway, this is our new phone number. We've had our land line disconnected because we never use it and it was costing too much money. That's our cell phone number if any of you get a hankering to call us.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The Best Valentine's Day Ever
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and we will be spending all afternoon and evening at school because we teach at a school that scheduled PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES, the most stressful and unenjoyable time in the quarter, from 4pm to 8pm on Valentine's Day.
People here celebrate Valentine's Day, but the school scheduled report card pick-up and parent-teacher conferences for that afternoon and evening anyway. We're planning to go out for a pseudo-romantic lunch, which is better than nothing. We'll let you know how it goes.
People here celebrate Valentine's Day, but the school scheduled report card pick-up and parent-teacher conferences for that afternoon and evening anyway. We're planning to go out for a pseudo-romantic lunch, which is better than nothing. We'll let you know how it goes.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Scavenger Hunt

We began by surprising Rebbecca with this birthday event here at our apartment around 3 in afternoon. The teams were then set, Claire, Rebbecca, and I versus Kari, Sonya, and Danielle, a friend of ours that lives in our building but teaches at another school, and we jumped in a cab and began to strategize on the way down town. We were dropped off at the square in front of the first church in the new world, settled on a two hour time limit to do as many things on the list as we could, and away we went in two different directions.

Next was a stop to get our shoes shined. However, the bonus points were awarded only if we were able to
shine the shoe-shiner's shoes. Here is a picture of a very confused shoe shining boy watching Claire and Rebbecca shine his shoes. We then went to buy an empanada and some peanut treats all while keeping an eye out for a photo opportunity with Ricky
Martin. I should let our blog readers know that Ricky Martin is having a concert here next weekend, which we are all going to, and had posters all over town advertising the event. We found our empanada and got a picture with some of it stuck in our teeth and also found some peanut treats, but the Ricky Martin posters were nowhere to be found. To improvise, we ducked into a CD store, located
a Ricky Martin CD, and not only got our picture taken with him but received bonus points for kissing him on the lips.

At the end of El Conde there is a park that we had our picture taken in front of along with the guard that stands out front.
Rebbecca is trying to tickle the guard to get him to smile for the bonus point. It was here as well that we found a police officer to put his arms around the girls for another bonus.

With time running out we decided to skip El Merca
do Modelo and head back to the square to take a picture with the Virgin Mary in the Cathedral, find the Larimar Museum, and buy something at the Hard Rock Cafe. Before
making it back to the square we got our picture taken with some Tiano art. Around the square we found a couple who had just gotten a souvenir from the Hard Rock and took our picture with them instead of buying something ourselves. The last two stops consisted of a photo with the Virgin Mary and a shot outside the closed Larimar Museum.
We didn't get every task checked off, like the Monastery, the Hospital of San Nicolas, looking at a hotel room, and a few other random items, b
ut we did hit the majority. At the finish line we met up with the other team and headed off for dinner where we tallied the score.

After we were done sharing all of our pictures with each other, the scores were totaled and we were declared the winners by a landslide. We all had a great time doing something a little bit different around town, and now we have all the pictures to prove it.