Thursday, January 04, 2007
A Whirlwind of a Visit
We just got back from our whirlwind visit home. It's kind of sad to be back here, but on the other hand, it feels like we belong here. We had a wonderful visit to Bloomington... we thought it wasn't long enough, but upon reflection, we decided if it had been any longer, we would have wanted to stay.
It was so good to see family and friends, to feel normal for a few days. We enjoyed hot showers, a comfortable bed, good food, reading the paper in the morning, and watching football in English. It was hard to come back here.
My (Claire) brother, Joel, got married, which was the reason for our quick trip home. He married a lovely girl named Laura who fits in with our family wonderfully. We were so glad we could be a part of their wedding.
Here are Laura and Joel at their rehearsal
It was great to hang out with my brothers. They started a new "family" tradition that involves laying on the floor after every meal. I personally hope it goes out of style soon, but it sure was funny at the time. This is Joel, Jesse, and their friend Eric relaxing on the floor the night before the wedding.

Both John and I got to dance with Joel during the Dollar Dance. They sure needed the extra dollars to get to Wyoming where they'll be living.
We had a great time, and deep down inside, we're counting the days until we get to move home.
A life full of adventure sure looks good from the outside, exciting and all, but when you're living it, things are a bit too stressful for comfort.

We got to buy some things that are really expensive here - like contact solution and a DVD player. We also got to see some friends and remember what it's like to hang out. It was almost too great.
Upon our return, we arrived at about 1:30 am to a stuffy apartment with ants all over our bed. We took lukewarm showers today and walked to the store, but on the upside, our chapped lips are already almost completely healed, and we got to drink fresh squeezed orange juice on the

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Nice pictures - have to get mine developed. It was a fun time and loved seeing you both. Know you are looking forward to more visitors. They are looking forward to sharing your DR home with you. Love you both, Gramma
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