Sunday, January 21, 2007
Hoosier Gets a Haircut

We have pretty much been taking it easy: reading on the roof,
watching football, going to the
movies, etc. John noticed that Hoosier needed a haircut, and he needed to get ready for tonight's big game (Colts vs. Patriots). We (all of our teacher friends, mom, and Hoosier) are all watching it as I type. Half of us are rooting for the Colts, and half for the Patriots since Becky is from New Hampshire.

Last night, we went to EL CONUCO,
a typical Dominican restaurant, with all the foriegn teachers and Mom P. It was really fun, and we have some pictures of it, but they aren't uploading to the blogger program for some reason. At this place, El Conuco, they have dancers who dance on a bottle. We went there once before just after we arrived in the country. It was decidedly more pleasant this time because it wasn't quite so late at night.

School news: Fire in the tech lab!! While I (Claire) was teaching class last week in the student computer lab, my students complained of a bad smell: burning plastic. Nothing happened, so we turned the computers off and left. The next morning, when John was teaching in there, his students complained of a smell, and then an outlet behind one of the computers started spitting sparks and smoking. At that point all the students went wild and ran around like crazy people. (There is no fire plan at our school so the studnets freak out with more gusto than the students we're used to.) Eventually, a small flame errupted from the outlet as the students ran around in the hallway spreading unfounded rumors about how the huge table in the lab caught on fire. Needless to say, now there is a fire extinguisher bolted to the wall in the lab.
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Glad youllcwi get the football games, what about the basketball games? Who is going to rooot for the Bears when you watch the Super Bowl? You can imagine the trouble I'm in with the Bears being the other team. My brother (Uncle Bernie) says I have to be for the Bears since I was born in Chicago, it is a given. What a prediciment I'm in. Never thought it would ever happen. Last time the Bears got to the Super Bowl was 1985. Oh well may have to use some diplomacy as who I am hoping to win.
Enjoy the days with Gail and I look forward to seeing her when she gets back to the States, however, even tho it will only be for a few days and the two of them are off again.
Gramma (me) is doing well, just a bit out of sorts when I woke up to a 4" snowfall, but as usual it all worked out.
That's it, enjoy the day, love you Gramma V.
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Enjoy the days with Gail and I look forward to seeing her when she gets back to the States, however, even tho it will only be for a few days and the two of them are off again.
Gramma (me) is doing well, just a bit out of sorts when I woke up to a 4" snowfall, but as usual it all worked out.
That's it, enjoy the day, love you Gramma V.
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