Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Christmas Program

I think Claire mentioned in an earlier post a little bit about the Christmas program. I thought I would show you a couple pictures from the event. The first one is a shot of the massive stage that was constructed over the entire soccer field. This picture was taken the day after that is why there is trash all over the place. The other two pictures are a result of me being a male in this profession.
Whenever there is some sort male part that needs to be filled I become the default. Here you can see me and a couple of my coworkers dress as the three wise men. If you can't tell I am the one in the middle. We had to walk through the crowed of people in the dark, make our way to the stage, and then veer off out of sight. I was asked to do this about two hours before the show started and was never given any kind of a run through. As you can see in the darker picture I was then the one chosen to go first and lead the others through the crowd. With the gigantic spot light in my face, all the pictures being taken, and one
slightly wrong turn that interrupted the show momentarily we made our way to the stage and then out of the way.

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You're such a good sport John! Hey, thanks for taking a retake of that picture!! Merry Christmas to you both!
This is hysterical! Way to lead as the head wise guy. I'm glad you indentified yourself as the one in the middle. :) You're the best!
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This is hysterical! Way to lead as the head wise guy. I'm glad you indentified yourself as the one in the middle. :) You're the best!
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