Sunday, October 01, 2006
The Coffee Pot
This past week, we received an "inventory" list of all the things that are supposed to be present 
in our apartment. Unfortunately, half of it is in Spanish, and our vocabulary does not extend far enough to include specific household items. One thing on the list that was recognizable, however, was a coffee pot. I laughed out loud when I read that one. There is NOT a coffee pot at our apartment.
Later, our foreign teacher counterparts asked about the lack of certain items on the list, and that's when we found out that we really do have a coffee pot in our apartment. It doesn't look like one, and it certainly doesn't turn on automatically in the morning to wake me with the smell of coffee, but it brews coffee. I tried it out today.
As you can see from the picture, it's a very small, three-part contraption. When it's put together, it looks like a messed up mini-pitcher. You put about 3/4 of a cup of water in the bottom, put in the little sifter thing, add some coffee, and then screw on the top, empty. When you put it on the stove, the water in the bottom boils so furiously that it gurgles up through the grounds, through a little spout into the top part where you can pour it into your cup. Unfortunately, though, it only makes half a cup of coffee - but that's all you need to get that caffine rush.
Here, there is no such thing as coffee as you know it in the USA. All coffee here is really espresso, but they call it coffee. It is always served in tiny little tea cups, a little bigger than a thimble. John's parents are going to die when they visit - they enjoy mild coffee. I think they'll just have to ask for half coffee, half water! :) Needless to say, I was successful in my coffee-making venture today, and now I know what that little messed up mini-pitcher is for. We still have about three other mystery items in our kitchen. I'm sure the mystery will unfold as the year goes on.

in our apartment. Unfortunately, half of it is in Spanish, and our vocabulary does not extend far enough to include specific household items. One thing on the list that was recognizable, however, was a coffee pot. I laughed out loud when I read that one. There is NOT a coffee pot at our apartment.
Later, our foreign teacher counterparts asked about the lack of certain items on the list, and that's when we found out that we really do have a coffee pot in our apartment. It doesn't look like one, and it certainly doesn't turn on automatically in the morning to wake me with the smell of coffee, but it brews coffee. I tried it out today.
As you can see from the picture, it's a very small, three-part contraption. When it's put together, it looks like a messed up mini-pitcher. You put about 3/4 of a cup of water in the bottom, put in the little sifter thing, add some coffee, and then screw on the top, empty. When you put it on the stove, the water in the bottom boils so furiously that it gurgles up through the grounds, through a little spout into the top part where you can pour it into your cup. Unfortunately, though, it only makes half a cup of coffee - but that's all you need to get that caffine rush.
Here, there is no such thing as coffee as you know it in the USA. All coffee here is really espresso, but they call it coffee. It is always served in tiny little tea cups, a little bigger than a thimble. John's parents are going to die when they visit - they enjoy mild coffee. I think they'll just have to ask for half coffee, half water! :) Needless to say, I was successful in my coffee-making venture today, and now I know what that little messed up mini-pitcher is for. We still have about three other mystery items in our kitchen. I'm sure the mystery will unfold as the year goes on.
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Hi Claire and John,
I love your updated profile picture! You guys are so cute! I miss you a ton and can't wait until I can see you again next summer. Thanks for being faithful in posting what's happening in your lives.
I can't wait until you figure out what your other 3 mystery items are in your kitchen!
Yes, we do need to email more. Life has been really busy for me lately, but that's no excuse for me to not email you. This weekend I'm headed to PA to see my Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ken. My roomie, Angie, is going with me. We both managed to take Monday off of work, so I'm really excited about the 3 day weekend.
By the way, I thought it was interesting that you think I look like Betsy with my new hair cut. The funny thing is, she has long hair right now. Well, maybe it's shoulder length and layered. It's funny how hair goes in different stages. With that, I'll sing off for now. Hope you're week is going well.
Oh, yeah, I'm getting my computer checked out this Thursday evening. So, hopefully I'll be up and running on the Internet before too long.
Love ya,
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I love your updated profile picture! You guys are so cute! I miss you a ton and can't wait until I can see you again next summer. Thanks for being faithful in posting what's happening in your lives.
I can't wait until you figure out what your other 3 mystery items are in your kitchen!
Yes, we do need to email more. Life has been really busy for me lately, but that's no excuse for me to not email you. This weekend I'm headed to PA to see my Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ken. My roomie, Angie, is going with me. We both managed to take Monday off of work, so I'm really excited about the 3 day weekend.
By the way, I thought it was interesting that you think I look like Betsy with my new hair cut. The funny thing is, she has long hair right now. Well, maybe it's shoulder length and layered. It's funny how hair goes in different stages. With that, I'll sing off for now. Hope you're week is going well.
Oh, yeah, I'm getting my computer checked out this Thursday evening. So, hopefully I'll be up and running on the Internet before too long.
Love ya,
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