Friday, September 29, 2006

Orange Bill and Cool People

Yesterday, we paid our cell phone bill for the first time. Our cell phone company is called Orange. There are advertisements all over the place for Orange here. I bet you can guess what color their advertisements are...

So, we thought it would be a quick stop. That was our first mistake. Nothing here is every quick. When we got to the mall (Acropolis), we ended up waiting in line for quite a while inside the shop. When we got up to the counter, the sales clerk had that slightly amused look - the look that every sales clerk has when we walk up to any counter here. People at school tell us that here, they're not used to anyone being different. There really aren't many tourists here, so we stick out like sore thumbs everywhere we go - unless it's to a resort.

Just before we stepped up to the counter to pay our bill, we realized we would probably need our phone number (which we don't have memorized). So, I borrowed a pen from Sonya (it was purple) and wrote the number John dictated to me from our phone. Incidentally, he gave me our home phone. Eventually, I got the correct number written on my hand, but I was so sweaty that the ink started running.

I read the number to the smirking clerk :) who entered it into the computer. Either I read the number wrong, or he entered it wrong, because it came up as "Juana de Comistena" or something like that. Eventually, we got the right number, and we paid our bill successfully.

Then we went down to the Outback Steakhouse to hang out in the air conditioning for a while.
Now, it's Friday afternoon, and we have no plans as of yet. We'll see who drops in on us this weekend...

By the way, those of you who read our blog regularly, we're really glad you're keeping up on what's happening with us; but, we have no idea what is going on in your lives! John says, "Cool people leave comments!":) You can use your deductive reasoning to figure out what people who don't leave comments are... so leave us a note here and there to let us know what's up with you. If you don't want to leave it on the blog site, then email us!

Well, I would email you but I don't think I have your current email address and I couldn't find it on your blog. Of course, I might just be completely blind. :-)

What's up with us? Well, we are getting ready to move to Ft. Knox, KY. We're excited about it because it's where we first met and we will be 30 minutes away from Joel. Everyones excited but I think Joel and I are the most. :-) How ironic that as soon as I get to move closer to home you guys move away!

I mom and dad are excited just because they get to finally dump off my stuff that I've been storing there for the last 10 years or longer. LOL

Still trying to get pregnant but nothing yet. It's a little frustrating but we know God is watching out for us and he'll gives us a baby when it's the right time.

Well, that's about it, job's going well, the 4 critters rule the roost, and Rob's home for good. Life is good!!

So does this make me one of the cool people??
Cousin Manda
I want to be cool too!:) I thought I had better respond, even though I do email once in a while. Hope you have a great week end.
hi claire and john, we want to be cool too. glad things seem to be shaping up for you.
we've had good news and bad news. i lost my brother last week, my only sibling, so its been quit sad around here. i still can't believe it.
the good news is grandpa is having a milestone birthday this weekend, so we'll be celebrating at lauras. your mom and dad spent last weekend with him, so that was good.
having a little touch of fall here with temperatures dropping into the 40's and 50's. bet you'd like some of that. thats it for now.....luv...grandpa and jan
I too want to be part of the "cool club" although I think I already rate due to previous comments left.

Looks like you need to buy pens with waterproof ink!

You're doing a nice job adjusting on all fronts.

I check your blog everyday during class. (The 'Acadia Advantage' means we can use our laptops in class without arousing suspicion). And although I do not envy you your heat or communication troubles, you've got an Outback! That's pretty cool.
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