After we were done enjoying our visit to the coast it was time to head home. I don't think either of us really wanted to leave but we knew that if we stayed there any longer that ment we would have to be walking home during the hottest part of the day. As you can imagine we try and avoid that at all costs. After taking Lincoln south to the coast we decided to head north on Chruchill that we would could see what this street had to offer. After walking about 5 blocks we came to this glorified median that runs east and west between Lincoln and Churchill.

The first picture was our first look down the meadian towards a large clock tower. If you notice you will also see some hut looking type buildings in front of the clock. As we were walking we came to find at there were many little bars and hangout type places between where we are in the first picture and the clock in the background. Unfortunatly the day we were there was a national holiday so all the bars were closed and as you can see there were hardly any people here.

There were also some artistic sculptures along the way. Here is a picture of Claire standing next to....... we still aren't sure what the heck that was. Finally after a 5 or 10 minute walk we arrived at the clock tower. It was much larger once we walked up on it than either of us orignially thought.

To give you an idea of how tall the tower was to the right is a picture of me standing at the base of the clock. There was one more "creative representation" that caught our eye along the way which we thought would be nice to share with everyone. I will let each of you make what you want of it.

Now after seeing a statue such as this, one must ask himself "does it get any better than this?" Let me just tell you the fun was yet to come. While we were walking home after leaving this little area we noticed that the sun was starting to get hotter even though it wasn't even noon yet. We also noticed that, even though we were wearing shorts and t-shirts, we were beginning to sweat completly though our clothes. I know this seems normal, but I mean, come on, it is the Caribbean in August. What do we expect, right? Well, we also noticed that everyone that we walked by was wearing long pants and most long sleeve shirts, and they were not sweating a bit. So not really needing another reason to stick out like sore thumbs, picture two white people completly soaked to the bone walking down a major road in a capital city. Let me just say that we had our fair share of glances the rest of the way home. Now for the icing on the cake. We were about 15 blocks away from our apartment when the sky opened up and unleashed a huge downpour. At this point we were so hot and our clothes were completly wet anyway, we just decided to keep on walking. Rain here is somethig that we are still trying to figure out. One minute the sky looks clear and nice and the next BOOM downpour. Then five minutes later nice blue sky again. For the rest of the walk home we didn't feel so bad because now we weren't the only weirdos walking down the street with wet clothes.