Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Joy of Tea

If you know me very well, you probably are aware of the fact that hot drinks like coffee and tea are one of the many simple pleasures that I enjoy. I might even go as far as to say that a cup of Twinnings Lady Grey Tea can turn any bad day around. When we left Indiana, I was sure that owning a tea set would have to be a dream I would need to reserve for another time and place in my life, but much to my surprise, when we arrived, in the cupboard, I found a very cute tea set. Even the smell of tea makes me feel at home. I just have to close my eyes and pretend I'm not drenched in sweat, and then it feels like home for just a few seconds. The cupboard is so high that I can't really see all the cups and saucers, but I'm guessing it includes tea service for eight.

Speaking of the cupboard height, we'd like to mention that the ceiling here is very high. So high, in fact, that John cannot reach the top storage areas in the bedrooms. This wouldn't be a problem at all if we had a step stool, but alas, we don't.

The high ceilings have presented another problem, too. Here's the story. Before we left Bloomington, we needed to spend a $30 gift card at Pier One. So, we went in and looked around until we found this very cute and practical mosquito net. We were very excited to put it up until we realized that the ceilings are so high that if we attach it up there, the net won't even touch our bed. We're working on that one. Post a comment if you have any ideas. Keep in mind that we have absolutely no tools. We don't even have a pair of scissors.

I'm so glad you have a tea set! Oh for the joy of little pleasures that end up being really great. Perhaps ice tea might be a nice alternative?

I wish I could help you figure out your mosquito net problem. I really don't know how it works in the first place...but what if you were able to somehow attach the net to a string that attaches to the ceiling? Now, what you could use to attach it...I don't know. Be creative I guess. I have a feeling you're both going to become quite the inventors this year!
Oh, I forgot to sign my name...the message about ice tea and the mosquito net ideas was from me, Jamie.
Wow! You two really seem to be having fun right now, even through all of the little quirks! I can't wait to read more each day! What a great experience to you both! We are about to start school soon here too...luckily all of our meetings will be in a language we can understand...WHEN WE ARE PAYING ATTENTION!!! Stay cool....Lisa Harvey

Decidí escribiros en español para que mejoréis vuestro español. Bueno, también, si no entendéis lo que escribo yo, podéis trabar amistad con unos hispanohablantes que sepan traducir al inglés este mensaje. :)

Rebecca me dijo que necesitara mandaros un email para deciros lo que ha pasado en el mundo de los Figert. Los acontecimientos recientes son los siguientes:
Sábado-Una abeja le atacó a Rebecca.
Lunes-Una mofeta me atacó. (Sufrí de un horrible olor.)
Miércoles-Easton defecó sobre el suelo de la cocina y bailó en su excremento.

Espero que esta información os hiciera reír. Gracias por la invitación a vuestro “blog”. Nos gusta leer vuestros “posts” y saber qué está pasando con vosotros en la República Dominicana. Las fotos de vuestro apartamento son maravillosas y me parece que estáis adaptando a vuestro nuevo hogar muy bien. Esperamos leer más. Por ejemplo, quisiera yo saber cómo son los estudiantes.

Bueno, basta ya, no. Aveces podría escribir un montón de cosas. Ojalá que todo siga bien. Si necesitáis algo, por favor, decidnos para que os ayudemos. Nos vemos.

PS: Cuidado con la comida, Claire. :)
PSS: ¡Qué guapo, John! :)
Hey! This is Betsy. Monna just told me that you had a blog on here. It is nice to know there is a way I can see what all is going on with you and John. Hope this finds you doing well.
Just checking to see what's happening. Sorry you are having tummy problems, trust you are feeling better. System has to adjust to different foods, etc. I'm sure your folks told you that and you probably discovered it on several of your oversea trips.

Your mom has gotten me hooked on Iced Mocha Frapps at Starbucks. Stopped by yesterday after shopping and got one, don't think I can get too hooked at the price of the Grande one. Oh well, it was good.

Had a brainstorm, as remember seeing Mocha Frappiane at Wal-Mart as a 4 pak. Went there today before going to see Diana and bought me a four pak. I now have made my own. I even had whipped cream in the fridge - just used my blender. Wait until I tell your mom about my find.

Speaking of Wal-Mart the new super store must be coming along pretty good, as they now paving the parking lot and about 3/4 of it is done and some of the trees have been planted (saw them working today).

Rehab going well and keep improving. All are pleased. Had a dentist appt. yesterday at 2:00 for another adjustment. That's all for now, unless I have some major problems. So far none noticed today - that's good. Had time to waste before rehab at 3:00, so stopped at the Eye Center and made appt. to see my eye doc, Dr. Heuck. That done, off to rehab. Had a full day. I do think I am feeling ever so much better. Energy level is holding to allow me to get several things done.

Diana says "HI" and offered me her phone number if I needed her for anything. Told her I had her day number and thanked her for offering. I sure have enough people to call if help is needed.

Loved your movie and the update. It is amazing what technology we have going for us today. I love it.

Love you both and you're in my prayers, Gramma
Claire, just went to see what Jamie and Carole were up to and found that the address for Carole is incorrect. Check it out. The one I have is


P.S. TV is not so great tonight, so browsing (surfing) the internet. Have a HP movie on from the Family Channel, Chamber of Secrets - goes until 11:00 p.m. Good thing I'm a nite owl.
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