Friday, August 11, 2006
Another Day, Another Adventure

John is pictured here holding the standard supply issue for teachers at St. Michael's. We each received them today at school wrapped in a black and clear striped plastic bag - taped shut. The contents of the bag follow:
one box of chalk
one legal pad
one roll of masking tape
three cheap-o pens (black, blue, red)
We never knew how good we had it in B-town. We also found out today that I (Claire) do not have a classroom, but I have to travel between different classrooms, none of which are my own, to teach my classes. That was quite a disappointment for me, but I'll have to learn to live with it. John has his own classroom, so depending on our schedules, I may spend what prep time I have in his classroom.
Today, we also found out that we have a TON of work to do. Teachers in the USA have it so easy!! We have to make a curriculum map of our whole year before school even starts, and then we have to make very specific "Unit Plans" (in a particular complicated format) to cover all the time in the first quarter. Then, we have to turn in weekly lesson plans to the head of our department. WOW!!! We're going to be working our tails off.

Our biggest adventure today consisted of trying to get another jug of water. We were almost out of water today, and we decided we needed to figure out how to get more since the weekend is on its way and we'll be on our own. This picture to the right was taken just after we successfully ordered a jug of water over the phone in Spanish, directed it to be delivered to our apartment, paid for it, etc. It sounds like such an easy process, but let me tell you that talking on the phone in another language is NOT EASY!! It's especially difficult when the person on the other end is asking questions rapid fire in Spanish. That's when all my Spanish vocabulary must exit my brain through my ears post haste. We didn't have any idea if it would actually arrive because after I hung up the phone, thinking I had ordered successfully, the guy from the store called back and started the rapid fire questioning. I think he didn't know what street I was referring to - so I said our street name and then I think I said that it is near St. Michael's School. Then, the guy on the other end promptly hung up on me. Ten minutes later, there was a guy knocking on the door.
One jug costs 50 pesos (about $1.50 US), but we only had 1000 peso bills. That's the reason I'm holding money in the picture. That's our change. It was not easy to get. The guy who delivered the water was very nice, and I think he was trying to teach us how to live here. He gave me the change and asked me to count it, showing me that I should always count change when it's handed to me. He asked me how much it was, and that's when all my knowlege of numbers above 30 in Spanish exited through my ears. I had no idea how to say nine hundred and fifty. We ended up laughing a lot, he taught me how to say it, and I now know that I need a quick review on numbers. By the end of the ordeal, we found out that the water guy knew the teacher (Mike) who used to live in the apartment next door to us, and we informed him that Mike had gone and been replaced by two "muchachas de los Estados Unidos" (two girls from the US) which is not entirely true, but I didn't know how to say Canada in Spanish. I hope we see the water guy next time we order water. He was very personable.

This is a picture of our nightly visitor who likes to sit on the ceiling while we try to relax by doing "normal" things like watching TV and playing cards. We wonder what would happen if he lost his grip and landed on our heads.
PS Mom Roth, we found a Swiss Fondu restaraunt here in Santo Domingo, and it's close by! We'll have to give it a try.
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I bet you two would like to go to the Teacher's Warehouse just once, huh? I guess when your ink runs out, you don't have to grade any more papers!!!
Lisa Harvey
Lisa Harvey
The nice thing about your night visitor ... your very own mosquito eater. Felicidades en la compra de agua. No es facil hablar por telefono. Ya tienen un amigo mas -el portador de agua.
Have a good fin de semana.
Have a good fin de semana.
Okay I thought moving to Savannah, GA was a cultural experience two years ago but I think you have me beat! Granted alot of the locals do speak what appears to be a foreign language down here, but at least I can still go to Target and Kroger. We also get the misquitos, sand gnats, cockroaches, and the little lizards. Thankfully though with three cats, not much makes it into the house, well alive at least!
I'm so glad you have this blog going! I've had to live off of information from Dad and the others until now. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you all at 4th of July too! You don't know how bad I wanted to be home with family again! Actually, you probably do know what it feels like now. :-)
You guys have such a great adventure ahead of you and you both are perfect for this. God has put you exactly where you are suppose to be. You'll be making a difference in the lives of many children and there's no greater gift as humans then we can give then to cultivate young minds.
John, I can't believe after all those years of you, Joe, and I having adventures in the backwoods of Pine Lake playing tricks on each other and our parents and your now standing in th DR having a real adventure of your own. Time has moved so fast and I'm so proud that you've allowed God to direct your path this way. You and Joe will always be more than just my favorite cousins. Your like brothers and no matter how much time seperates us that won't change. I love you and am so proud of you.
Clair, I haven't gotten to spend nearly as much time getting to know you as I would like. The time I have gotten has shown me what a wonderful, loving, caring person you are. I'm so glad that God put you and John together. Who else was going to get John's humor!? :-) Just kidding John! You are a woman who is going to do great things in the name of God and I'm proud to have you in the family. I hope someday we will get more time to sit down and get to know each other more.
Anyway, take care of each other. Support and love each other at all times. Take it from somebody who knows what it's like to move to strange places where you don't know anyone but your spouse. You'll find no greater comfort than in each other.
I look forward to continuing reading about your adventures! Maybe if you come home next summer we will get to see you then!
Lots of Love and prayers,
Cousin Amanda
and Rob too! :-)
P.S. If you can email me your address. I would love to be able to send you some care packages. It's always nice to get things from back home. Maybe make a list on your blogsite with stuff that your craving or having trouble finding, or even school supplies, since you were given such a meager supply!
Oh yeah, for the misquito net. Maybe you can get a hook screw that you just hand screw into the ceiling. Then get some basic string/twine and hang the net from the string so you can put it at the hieght you need. You'd pretty much just need something sharp to cut the string with.
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I'm so glad you have this blog going! I've had to live off of information from Dad and the others until now. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you all at 4th of July too! You don't know how bad I wanted to be home with family again! Actually, you probably do know what it feels like now. :-)
You guys have such a great adventure ahead of you and you both are perfect for this. God has put you exactly where you are suppose to be. You'll be making a difference in the lives of many children and there's no greater gift as humans then we can give then to cultivate young minds.
John, I can't believe after all those years of you, Joe, and I having adventures in the backwoods of Pine Lake playing tricks on each other and our parents and your now standing in th DR having a real adventure of your own. Time has moved so fast and I'm so proud that you've allowed God to direct your path this way. You and Joe will always be more than just my favorite cousins. Your like brothers and no matter how much time seperates us that won't change. I love you and am so proud of you.
Clair, I haven't gotten to spend nearly as much time getting to know you as I would like. The time I have gotten has shown me what a wonderful, loving, caring person you are. I'm so glad that God put you and John together. Who else was going to get John's humor!? :-) Just kidding John! You are a woman who is going to do great things in the name of God and I'm proud to have you in the family. I hope someday we will get more time to sit down and get to know each other more.
Anyway, take care of each other. Support and love each other at all times. Take it from somebody who knows what it's like to move to strange places where you don't know anyone but your spouse. You'll find no greater comfort than in each other.
I look forward to continuing reading about your adventures! Maybe if you come home next summer we will get to see you then!
Lots of Love and prayers,
Cousin Amanda
and Rob too! :-)
P.S. If you can email me your address. I would love to be able to send you some care packages. It's always nice to get things from back home. Maybe make a list on your blogsite with stuff that your craving or having trouble finding, or even school supplies, since you were given such a meager supply!
Oh yeah, for the misquito net. Maybe you can get a hook screw that you just hand screw into the ceiling. Then get some basic string/twine and hang the net from the string so you can put it at the hieght you need. You'd pretty much just need something sharp to cut the string with.
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