Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Back Home In Indiana
First of all I just want to let everyone know that the 6th grade graduation went off without any major disasters. Other than there being no electricity to the building when we got there and the fact that instead of Pomp and Circumstance they started to play the American national anthem as the students were walking down the isle there weren't any problems. I was able to read all names without butchering them to badly and all in all it was a nice ceremony.
On Friday after our last teacher day, Kari invited anyone who wanted to stop by for one last goodbye toast. We had a nice turn out and enjoyed one last conversation with everyone. We finished off our last night with a nice dinner together and some closer friends. It was a nice way to end our last day on the island.
Our last morning we spent loading all our final belongings into our suitcases and coloring in the final pie piece on our Doughnut of Doom. It was off the the airport where were all had a snack together before loading onto a plane for JKF. It was in JFK that we all had to say our teary goodbyes. It was sad to leave our friends knowing that we wouldn't be able to share the little things in our day to day lives with each other. But we all found comfort in the fact that we will see each other again someday soon.
Claire and I were then headed to Indy. However we had to wait on the runway for about 2 hours while the log jam of planes took off. We finally took off about the time we were to be landing in Indianapolis. When we finally did land it was storming out and had to wait on the ground at the airport while the lightening in the area cleared so a ground crew could come out and park the plane. Then it took about an hour and a half for them to get our bags off the plane before we were home bound. We got to Bloomington around 1 in the morning.
Since we have been home we have been living on cloud nine. We have enjoyed going to Wal Mart, eating at choice restaurants, sleeping in our nice soft bed, taking long hot showers, and hanging out in the air conditioning not sweating our brains out. Claire and I have also gotten new cell phones since we have been home. If you would like our new numbers just send us an email and we will be glad to pass it your way. This way we don't have to post them for the entire web to see.
We would like to thank all of you that have been reading our blog over this last year. The blog has been a very enjoyable thing for Claire and I to keep up on and a great way for us to share our story with you all. For those die hard viewers out there I just want to let you know that just because we are back doesn't mean that we are going to stop blogging. I am currently working on a new page that we will be using as this new stage in our lives begins. Once again thank you all for taking time to visit and share our stories.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The Leftovers
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Zoo and Bowling
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Living the Duality
Tonight, we were supposed to go bowling and play games at this game center about 3/4 of a mile south on Lincoln, but John is sick. He has a temperature of 101.666666 (converted from 38.7 Celsius because our thermometer is in degrees Celsius). He's sleeping, and I'm blogging. I have a feeling we'll spend most of the evening in the air conditioned bedroom since there's nothing worse (when you have a fever) than hanging out in a hot and humid climate.
I'll now recount last weekend's activities through narrative and photos... the photos will be added later since Blogger is having trouble uploading them at the moment.