Monday, July 09, 2007
Our New Blog
We have decided that since our time in the Dominican has come to an end it would only be fitting to put this blog to rest as well. However, because of popular demand we will continue to blog on our new site:
www.johnandclaireroth1.blogspot.comSo please bookmark our new blog in your favorite as this will be the new site that we will be posting to.
Thank you.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Back Home In Indiana
Well we have made it home. Our last few days in the Dominican were filled with goodbyes and on last times.
First of all I just want to let everyone know that the 6th grade graduation went off without any major disasters. Other than there being no electricity to the building when we got there and the fact that instead of Pomp and Circumstance they started to play the American national anthem as the students were walking down the isle there weren't any problems. I was able to read all names without butchering them to badly and all in all it was a nice ceremony.
On Friday after our last teacher day, Kari invited anyone who wanted to stop by for one last goodbye toast. We had a nice turn out and enjoyed one last conversation with everyone. We finished off our last night with a nice dinner together and some closer friends. It was a nice way to end our last day on the island.
Our last morning we spent loading all our final belongings into our suitcases and coloring in the final pie piece on our Doughnut of Doom. It was o
ff the the airport where were all had a snack together before loading onto a plane for JKF. It was in JFK that we all had to say our teary goodbyes. It was sad to leave our friends knowing that we wouldn't be able to share the little things in our day to day lives with each other. But we all found comfort in the fact that we will see each other again someday soon.
Claire and I were then headed to Indy. However we had to wait on the runway for about 2 hours while the log jam of planes took off. We finally took off about the time we were to be
landing in Indianapolis. When we finally did land it was storming out and had to wait on the ground at the airport while the lightening in the area cleared so a ground crew could come out and park the plane. Then it took about an hour and a half for them to get our bags off the plane before we were home bound. We got to Bloomington around 1 in the morning.
Since we have been home we have been living on cloud nine. We have enjoyed going to Wal Mart, eating at choice restaurants, sleeping in our nice soft bed, taking long hot showers, and hanging out in the air conditioning not sweating our brains out. Claire and I have also gotten new cell phones since we have been home. If you would like our new numbers just send us an email and we will be glad to pass it your way. This way we don't have to post them for the entire web to see.
We would like to thank all of you that have been reading our blog over this last year. The blog has been a very enjoyable thing for Claire and I to keep up on and a great way for us to share our story with you all. For those die hard viewers out there I just want to let you know that just because we are back doesn't mean that we are going to stop blogging. I am currently working on a new page that we will be using as this new stage in our lives begins. Once again thank you all for taking time to visit and share our stories.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The Leftovers

Well we are in our final stretch here now that we only have a couple days left. We just wanted to catch you up on some things that we have done in the last week that were noteworthy enough to make the blog.
This last weekend we went to our last resort here on the island. Because we didn't want to travel far we went back to the
Hamaca that is in
Boca Chica. It was nice to get away one last time and spend a couple days on the beach. I have included a picture from the r
esort but figured there wasn't much that we didn't put on the last blog entry about the
On Monday, which was the first teacher day, the school took the entire staff to the beach for a staff party. It really was unlike any staff party I have ever been to. It was at a Nautical Club so we had the entire place to ourselves. After swimming in the ocean, enjoying the pool, and the conversations on the beach we had a BBQ together culminate the day. It was real nice to get away from school and see our co workers in another environment.

The last couple days we have been
finalizing everything at school. Packing boxes, finishing any grading, entering grades on the computer, and so on. Claire and I are done with everything so we have been coming home extra early to finish getting our apartment ready to go. I have also been attending graduation
rehearsal for the 6
th grade graduation that is tonight. I found out yesterday that I will be the MC of the night with my 20 page script.
Ahhh the advantages to speaking English. I will probably have to put a post tomorrow letting you all know how this worked out.
Other than this mild madness we are pretty much ready to go. Because of my graduation tonight and our plans to go out tomorrow night we finished packing our bags last night. So we are living in a somewhat empty place. I think we will be able to bring back everything that we want to. I guess we will find out on Saturday.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Zoo and Bowling
Sorry it has been so long since we last posted. We have been super busy finishing up the last week of exams, making sure they all get graded, and then putting the final touches on the grade ca
rds all while packing and

getting ready to come home. Our last weekend in the city was actually last weekend, June 8
th. Since it was our last weekend in the city we decided to try and fit in anything that we might want to do. So the zoo it was. We weren't expecting much before we arrived. We were told that there isn't much there and what is there isn't kept up very well. We decided to see for ourselves. The Lonely Planet book that has been our trusty guide around town s

aid it was one of the largest in Latin America.
When we got there was considered hopping back in the taxi and heading right back home. It was in a really run down part of town for one. Secondly the nice little river running in front of the entrance was filled with trash, and thirdly there were men with fire hoses out front spraying and sweeping t

he trash away. We pressed on. With our
entrance ticket we got a free ride on the train that took us around the entire zoo but it didn't

leave for another 20 minutes and we assumed that everything would be in Spanish so we decided to walk.
We started down the road with nothing but a dense forest on each side of us and a few small cages with random birds in them every 50 yards or so. It wasn't until we reached the top of the hill did things start turning up. Once we reached the hilltop we quickly realized that the entire zoo pretty much ran in a large circle. We also noticed right away that there were no cages for any of the animals. This zoo ran on the open range met

hod and the only thing protecting you from the

animals was a trench about 4 or 5 feet wide and deep that you just had to hope the animal wouldn't decide to cross.
We had a great time walking around checking out all the animals. The were rhinos, hippos, buffalo, lions, tigers, bears, alligators, the list goes on. A few of the animals did have a little more of an
encloser, such as the bear, lion, and tiger, but it wasn't much more than the rest. T

he circle that we were walking
continued to go on and on and seemed to get bigger as we found ourselves taking side paths here and there to see other animals. Before we knew any better we had been there for a few hours, were drenched in sweet, and in desperate need of something to drink. Luckily we found a stand that served drinks
unfortunately for us we were in the D.R. and nothing was cold. Thank goodness there was ice. After a quick rest were were back on the trail. This time to make the last leg of our trip through the bird area. When we finally arrived back at the entrance we were exhausted and even though we had talked about the idea of taking the train just for the fun of the ride we decided to call our cab and call it a day.

Later that night, after a shower, nap, and some dinner, we decided to head out for some bowling. There is a pretty big
y just down Lincoln and we had always talked about doing it we just never had made it down there. So today was the day. It is a surprising big place with alleys on two levels. Once we had our shoes and picked out our bowling balls we were ready to play. None of us are very good and we did have to contend with some unruly Dominican teen
agers sharing the

lanes next to us but we all had a great time. As we were finishing up our hour of bowling Roger, Holly, and one kids Roger helps support showed up and got in on the action with us. We finished the night off by playing cards at the bowling alley while Roger and Holly finished up their game.
It was a long day but w

e were able to check a couple more items off the list.

The next thing on the list was one last resort trip the following weekend.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Living the Duality

haven't posted a new blog recently because we've been too busy living. We are simultaneously trying to live it up and experience everything one last time while feeling extremely excited and ready to move home. It's a strange combination that makes it so we are living a duality. At school, it's final exam time, which means vast expanses of time at school to do absolutely nothing for me (Claire). For John, it means lots of time spent babysitting. We have everything done - classrooms ready to pack up, grades finished, all books and materials inventoried - and now we just have to wait for the scheduled time for our finals, grade them, and enter the grades into the computer. I've finished two books in the past two days.

Tonight, we were supposed to go bowling and play games at this game center about 3/4 of a mile south on Lincoln, but John is sick. He has a temperature of 101.666666 (convert

ed from 38.7 Celsius because our thermometer is in degrees Celsius). He's sleeping, and I'm blogging. I have a feeling we'll spend most of the evening in the air conditioned bedroom since there's nothing worse (when you have a fever) than hanging out in a hot and humid climate.
I'll now recount last weekend's activities through narrative and photos... the photos will be added later since Blogger is having trouble uploading them at the moment.
Last weekend, we went to the Colonial Zone for the last time. It was mostly uneventful, and we didn't take a camera since we already have thousands of pictures of that part of the city. We went to the market, shopped around, walked around the whole historical area, and en

ded with dinner on the square in front of the first governor's mansion. We found ourselves breathing the cool evening sea breeze and realizing that we might miss this part of living here...

But as soon as we had to haggle with rude taxi drivers for a ride home, the possibility of sweet nostalgic thoughts abated. We know that when we leave, the things we love about living here will grow in our minds and loom over the more numerous unpleasant things that will continue shrinking with relative inconsequence as time moves by.
Sunday, John and I went to the national aquarium. We had heard and read that it was nothing spectacular, but we wanted to go anyway. We had a great time together looking at the sea creatures and just being together. We saw so many kinds of fish in captivity that we had previously seen in the wild, or (more than the previous kind) on ice at the fresh fish counter in the grocery store. Some of our favorite things were Mero (sea bass), which we eat quite often, and which we now know is a GIGANTIC fish,

the various cockroach-looking sea creatures like lobsters, turtles, and crabs.

The only notable feature of El Acuario Nacional is a tunnel that goes through the biggest tank. We went in and stayed in it for quite some time, but it seemes all the aquatic life prefers to make rounds around the outside of the tank, so when you're in the tunnel, you can't see anything.
The aquarium is right on the coast and has a lovely walkway along the rocky coast.

We spent about an hour (or more) simply watching the waves crash into the coral and rocks below, spraying us occasionally with damp

saltiness. We breathed the sea, soaked in the sun, and absorbed the rhythmic sound of the ocean knowing that soon we won't be able to feel, see, and hear those things as often as we want. Indiana, unfortunately, is landlocked.
Today is Wednesday, tomorrow is a national holiday, and then we'll be experiencing our last weekend here in Santo Domingo. We're spending our last weekend in the country at a resort. Hoorah! Hopefully John will start to feel better today or tomorrow so we can fully enjoy our last weekend in the city.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Checking Things Off...

With only three free weekends left in our stay here, we decided we needed to check some things off our to-do list.
Marte, a teacher at school who has been really friendly with us, has a membership to a club where we've gone a few times. He invited us again a few weeks ago, but it didn't work out. We wanted to make sure we went with him one more time before June 22
nd. After school on Friday, we went with him to enjoy the pool, have a snack, and John even got to play a few games of basketball. He took his basketball shoes home when we went to Robby's

wedding, so he had to play in flip flops, but he was still the best one out there. I cheered for him. The other players wished they had someone to cheer for them, I'm sure.
We stayed until about seven, then went home, showered, and went to a dance club called Club 60. It was GREAT!! We didn't take the camera, but John and I danced the night away. We have gotten so good a
Meringue and Salsa that we can really hold our own out on the
dance floor with people who have been doing this for years. John even danced with the other girls, and they couldn't stop talking about how good he was. We'll probably go back there again before we leave because it was air conditioned and it wasn't at all
sleazy. It was a dance club for dancing - not for all the other things that happen at dance clubs (I'd like to remain blissfully unaware).
Today, all the other
foreign teachers went to the beach for a day. We decided that we wanted to do our own thing, and that going to the beach the way they were going would be much more of a pain than we wanted. We're going to the beach for the whole weekend in a couple weeks, anyway. So - we decided to go see El Faro a Colon instead.

We started with lunch at our favorite nearby Chinese place where we can get two meals out of one. Jade has been one of the places we've gone frequently, so we thought it worthy of a picture. Then, we called a cab and headed across the whole city to El Faro a Colon, which is a gigantic memorial made to Christopher Columbus. His real name was Cristobal Colon, but for some reason, all the American text books call him Christopher Columbus.
This monument is apparently one of the only
man made structures that

can be seen from
outer space. You see, it's a ten-story building made in the shape of a cross, and there are extremely high powered lights all along the roof. When the lights are on, the cross can be seen shining in
outer space. They very rarely turn the lights on, though, because it causes power outages all throughout the city whenever they turn them on. Inside the enormous cross-shaped

building rest (reportedly) the bones of Cristobal Colon. Spain and Italy both claim they have the remains, as well, but no one knows for sure. We paid 100 pesos (about $3) to get in and see the museum inside the cross-shaped monument.

The entrance is at the top of the cross, and in the center, where the four "arms" meet, there is a large marble monument that houses the remains. It is guarded all the time by an armed guard dressed in white.

The bones are in the black box close to the ground in the middle of the monument. I'm standing by it in the picture to the right.
In the long hallway that makes the longest part of the cross, there are rooms containing artifacts from the native peoples of countries all over the

world. We weren't supposed to take pictures in these rooms, but we did anyway. There were no lights on in the whole thing, so some of the exhibits were hard to see. We found it ironic that the memorial to Cristobal Colon would contain

artifacts from native peoples from around the world since one of the things he did first on the island of
Hispanola was to completely eliminate the native people who lived here. He eliminated them by working them to death and letting their language and culture fall into obscurity. No one knows what the
culture was like. He also brought Catholicism. I'm sad that the cross was a symbol of destruction and death to those people.
The museum would be really cool if they would turn the lights on in the exhibits. I'm not
to the superpower
lights on top - I just wanted to see the stuff inside the museum. If there wasn't a window in the room (and most rooms didn't have windows), we couldn't really see anything. It was interesting nonetheless. We can check it off our list.

After we had finished there, we called another cab and headed to the old Colonial section of the city where we walked around (about 5 miles of walking) to make sure we had seen and taken pictures of everything we want to before we go. Here to the left is on of the first hospitals in the new world. It was built in 1503 and was one of the only buildings in
Santo Domingo that survived the
raid by the pirate Drake in the 1600s. Now it is inhabited mostly by
pigeons, and the roof is no longer there.

We looked at several other old churches (besides the first cathedral in the New World) and some other old buildings. The first
monastery was destroyed by Drake the pirate, and rebuilt several times after numerous fires and
hurricanes. Then, it became an asylum for the insane. It was all locked up, so we couldn't go inside, but our
Lonely Planet Guide to the Dominican Republic said that you can still see the iron chains in the walls that were used to restrain the "patients" in the asylum. YIKES!
After a long day of walking (it was cloudy today, otherwise we might not have survived), we were sweaty and tired, so we got some pop and sat down on a bench in the square by the first church to watch people. We saw an extremely conspicuous group of about 40 Americans all in matching T-shirts milling around by the statue of Cristobal Colon. They were acting really annoying in the way Americans act annoying abroad, and John and I were a little embarrassed for them. For a moment, we wished we didn't look so much like Americans.
It has been a great weekend so far. Tomorrow, we might try to go to the national aquarium so we c
an cross that off our list, too.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A Weekend Full of Fun (and Sweat)
Kari's twin brother, Jason, came to visit this weekend, so we all tried to show him a good time. It was a busy, sweaty weekend, but it was fun.
We're getting to the point when we want to try to get everything in before we leave. We're counting the days until we get to come home (five weeks!). This has been a great experience, but we can't wait to get away from all the stress and craziness at school and to come back to our comfortable lives that involve all the modern conviences (air conditioning, washers and dryers, etc.) and, more importantly, friends who share our values and lifestyle. We miss our friends and family and the positive

influence they have in our lives. So... here we go with the weekend:

Friday night was our friend Roger's birthday. No one knows exactly how old he is, but we know he's somewhere close to fifty. We took him out for dinner to a place we like called Bob's. It was fun, but we spent so much time sitting around waiting for people to be ready that we didn't get to dinner until about nine pm. Then, when dinner was done, half of us were tired and didn't want to go anywhere else and the other half wanted to go out dancing. People ended up getting upset, and the evening didn't end on a good note. Even though we don't write about it in the blog often, that happens often.

Saturday was Field Day at school. In the USA, Field Day usually means that a school day is devoted to fun and games for the students - sports competitions, prizes, everyone wins, etc. Here, Field Day means that on a Saturday, the school rents out an empty baseball field, fills it with carnival-like games, and requires the teachers to sign up for two hours of service. Students come, eat Dominican carnival food, and play the games. All of the foriegn teachers signed up for the same two hours since we don't have cars and had to take a

taxi to the location. John and I ended up in charge of the bungee-run game. When we got there at 10 (the whole thing was supposed to start at 9), nothing was ready. So, for the first hour of our time, we sat in the shade and talked. The second hour, we did our duty in the scorching sun. It was so hot that the bungee-run thing got too hot for the kids to touch. We were relieved of our duties a little late, and then we had lunch (Dominican hot dogs and ice cream) and took off for activity #2 of the day. By the way, Dominicans put really weird things on their hot dogs, but it tastes great. From what we can tell, here's a list of the toppings: catchup, mustard, chili, relish (all normal), fake squirtable cheese, marinated cabbage, mayonaise, onions, and little shaved fried potatoes. I'm sure they're terrible for us, but they sure taste good!

Activity #2 for the day (by this time all of us had soaked through our

clothes with sweat) was to visit some famous caves close to the city called Los Tres Ojos (which means The Three Eyes). We had heard of them before but didn't know exactly where they were or anything, but we decided they were a must-see before we leave the island for good. It was a great experience! Here we are on the left descending into the caves. We thought it

would be cooler down there, and perhaps it was a few

degrees cooler, but the humidity was three times as pronounced. Our clothes stayed wet with sweat.
There were three freshwater lakes down in the caves, and we saw fish and turtles swimming around. What a peaceful place! We also saw

some bats flying around. We were thankful for them because we were

being eaten alive by mosquitoes. For ten pesos (about 3o cents), we took a little raft over to another cave and lake that opened up all the way up to the sky. It was really beautiful.

After we climbed out of the caves, we went for a walk in a pretty

garden area that was above ground right above the caves. John took some nice pictures of flowers, and by the time we got into the taxi, we were all exhausted. It's amazing what heat can do to you. We were all zapped of all energy.

We wish we could have taken our parents to see the caves and garden.

By the time we got home and showered, John and I were both so exhausted that we took a 2
hour nap. It was heavenly after such a long day in the sun and heat. We planned to meet in Kari's apartment for a pre-dinner game of poker. We all put in 10 pesos (about 30 cents), so that the winner of the game would win the tip for the cleaning ladies this next week. We all give about 50 pesos for a tip. We had a fun time playing poker. In the end, it came down to John and Kari, and since it was passed time for dinner (again), John made decisions he would not have usually made so that the game would end. Kari won.

I stayed in for a long time and won several big hands. Later, John told me he was proud of my poker skills.
We had decided to go to this place called Yatoba for dinner. For months, every time we walk passed it, I say,"I'd really like to go there sometime. It looks so nice!" Last night, my wish came true, and we went to Yatoba. It was my kind of place. I like classy restaraunts where the waitors are good, where the food comes out looking like art, where the table clothes and napkins are soft

linen... it was wonderful! The amosphere was sophisticated, and my sushi was served to me in a very aesthetically pleasing way. It tasted as good - or better - than it looked. YUM!! Everyone else really enjoyed their meals, too, and here's the bonus: it wasn't even that expensive! We've got to go back sometime in the next five weeks.
After dinner, we had planned to meet up with the French teacher from school and her husband to go dancing. We ended up at this really seedy disco. It was too dark in there, and who knows what was going on in the middle of the dance floor. It wasn't very fun. The music was so loud that it was painful to my ears. But, we went somewhere new, and now we know not to go back. In the end, John and I went home with Pauline and Leo (the French teacher), and everyone else went to another dance place.
I think Jason ended up having an okay time. John really loved having him around because John has spent the last school year hanging out with only women. He really misses his guy friends, and it was great for him to be able to hang with a guy. He's been such a trooper this year! We can't wait to come home.